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Neakasa M1 Open-Top Self-Cleaning Litter Box

Neakasa M1: Open-Top Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box
Written by Jamey Ekins

In the ever-evolving world of pet care, a revolutionary product has emerged to transform the lives of cats and their owners alike: the Neakasa M1 Open-Top Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box. With the quest to conquer common pet care challenges, Neakasa introduces an innovative solution designed for convenience, safety, and hygiene.

Skyrocketing Success on Indiegogo: Neakasa M1’s Triumphant Launch

The Neakasa M1’s journey on Indiegogo has been nothing short of meteoric. Mirroring the success of other pet care innovative products, the M1’s crowdfunding campaign catapulted to an astonishing start, securing US$100,000 within the first hour alone, then an additional $100,000 within the first 24 hours. This whirlwind of support underscores the public’s eagerness for cutting-edge pet care solutions.

As the campaign progressed, enthusiasm surged among pet owners and tech enthusiasts alike. The result? A staggering $1,077,598 raised by 3,270 backers, a testament to the M1’s appeal and the trust placed in Neakasa’s vision. This overwhelming response not only reflects the product’s potential to revolutionize pet care but also signifies a community united in pursuit of innovation and quality for their furry companions.

The Neakasa M1’s Indiegogo success story is more than just impressive numbers; it’s a narrative of community, trust, and the shared desire for a future where pet care meets convenience and sophistication. As backers from around the globe rally behind the M1, Neakasa stands ready to deliver on its promise of transforming the way we care for our pets.

Redefining Cleanliness and Comfort

The Neakasa M1 distinguishes itself with an open-top design, significantly reducing unpleasant odors and hazards associated with smaller side openings. With a spacious 11.23L trash bin and a 7.17L litter capacity, the M1 promises up to two weeks of litter-free living. The “Pull & Wrap” waste disposal system ensures a hassle-free, 3-second clean-up process, alleviating the frequent need for maintenance while providing an odor-free environment.

See the Neakasa M1 Automatic Cat Litter Box in action in the video below.

Spotlight at Superzoo 2023

The Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas buzzed with excitement in August 2023, as Neakasa unveiled the M1 at Superzoo. Influencers and attendees alike were captivated by its design and functionality, with many eagerly sharing their positive impressions.

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Beta Tester’s Endorsement

Selected members have already begun sharing their experiences with the M1. Their feedback highlights the ease of filling due to the open-top design and the effortless access for cats of all sizes. With anticipation building, the community eagerly awaits further detailed reviews.

Designed for Feline Safety and Comfort

The M1’s 17” opening caters to cats over 2.2 lbs, ensuring they adapt quickly and comfortably. Equipped with infrared and weight sensors, the M1 prioritizes your cat’s safety by pausing operation during entry and exit. Its spacious design accommodates cats up to 22 lbs, making it ideal for multi-cat households. Special kitten mode adds an extra layer of care for the youngest members.

Photo courtesy of Neakasa

14 Days of Freedom

Say goodbye to daily scooping. The M1’s large trash bin supports up to two weeks of autonomy, perfect for short trips away from home. The generous litter capacity further reduces the need for constant refills.

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User-Friendly Features

Neakasa has thoughtfully designed the M1 for ease of use and cleaning. The lower opening height ensures comfortable litter refilling, and the self-cleaning mode ensures thorough waste removal. Its fully detachable design and the Neakasa App enhance the user experience, offering remote control and insights into your cats’ habits.

Unique Selling Points

Neakasa M1 stands out with its large-opening design, affordability, and quality. Available in Space Gray and White, it offers aesthetic choices to fit any home. Enjoy worldwide shipping with reasonable fees and a 1-year warranty assurance.

About Neakasa and Genhigh

Under the global company of Genhigh’s innovative wing, Neakasa has soared in the smart cleaning technology sector. Known for its top-ranking pet grooming kits on Amazon, the brand continues to excel in providing solutions for pet and personal care.

Looking Ahead

As Neakasa progresses from prototype to mass production, the M1 is set to reach homes by the January 2024, promising a new era of pet care convenience and sophistication.

Photo courtesy of Neakasa

In summary, the Neakasa M1 is more than just a litter box; it’s a commitment to a cleaner, safer, and more comfortable lifestyle for cats and their owners. As the pet care industry watches, the M1 is poised to set a new standard in feline hygiene and home cleanliness.

Where to Buy the Neakasa M1 Open-Top Self-Cleaning Litter Box?

You can purchase the Neakasa M1 directly through the Neakasa brand here or the IndieGogo platform here.

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  • Jamey Ekins

    Hey there, I'm Jamey, and I've been an animal lover for as long as I can remember. Growing up on a 50-acre farm in Ontario, Canada, I was surrounded by a menagerie of furry friends, from beloved cats and dogs to goats, horses, cows, and even chickens. Now, I call Victoria, British Columbia my home, and my heart belongs to my adorable Balinese cat, Milo. When I'm not editing blog posts here at TechnoMEOW, I enjoy helping solo entrepreneurs with their passion projects and online marketing. Over the years, I've also ventured into creating and selling various blogs. Beyond the digital world, I'm an avid crochet and knitting enthusiast and share my crafty creations on my blog,

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